Just trying to get into my last name a little bit more.

Ryan Rockwell @pockets08

Age 34, Male



Houston Texas

Joined on 9/1/07

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pockets08's News

Posted by pockets08 - September 17th, 2007

if i take a full sprite sheet and make the whole thing a full movie clip of that whoel sheet beign played of a certian character, could i use just that ONE movie clip to say like, the first 5 frames does a slashing movement and right after that he jumps. could i tween the sprite at that partcular frame, to jump up? like ok...

Frame 1-5 slashes. on the 6th frame, i make a keyframe, to saaay the 30th frame, is when the sprite is no longer fighting in the air or is jumping, accordin gto the sheet. so. if i made the two keyframes at 6 and 30 and tween the motion upwards, would the movie clip continue playing and only moving? instead of restarting at the keyframes? so far thats what ive experienced is when i start a new keyframe and tween it anywere the animation starts over on the sprite, so instead of looking like hes jumping, he looks like hes slashing again but going in the air.

so what i wanan find out if i can do is make allll the motiosn and movements of the sprite tween wise, to make it go across the screen, in the air , or wat ever, with tweening just one Movie clip that runs off its own, or do i have no choice but to take each animation row and make when i wanna tween, a diffrent movie clip, like 1-5 is the slashing animaiton movie clip, nto the sheet, just the part from the sheet, then SWAP movie clips at frame 7-30 of the parts that have him fight in the air. then go back to the sheet and make the next animaiton clip of him on the gorund again, so i can tween that new animation downwards?

what i have been able to do is simply make the keyframe, an dnot tween it, but jutst change the key frames area, like it son the ground 1-5, and once 6 comes aorund i make a keyframe and instea dof a tween, hes in the air like he teleported. ha. which isnt the affect i want. so any idea hints or tips to make the animations easier? caus ei hate doing the frame by frame tween by tween for seperate sheet parts and makin breaks and shyt...ill do it if there sno other way but any help or advice to move the movie along more quickly would be great.

Posted by pockets08 - September 3rd, 2007

YAAAAAY ive created my first workignMOVING BKACGROUNDED sprite of Knuckles the Echidna XD but thats as far as ive gotten,a nd im a bit pooped with the frustration of learnign this and feelin like anidiot. but now i think if i use a second scene, it will take the knuckles into a new background, and i can speed it up a bit, or zoom in on him an dmake the backgorund move as well, or usmthing, i just wanna get a running jumping character, with cool music for now. if u got any tips or ideas for me, please send a share by comment!

Posted by pockets08 - September 2nd, 2007

currently reading up on:


hopefulyl can get me somewhere!

will keep posting my Current Situations till my first flash.

Posted by pockets08 - September 2nd, 2007

ok, i now have Adobe Flash player. and a few books, but i got a nice large amount of ADD, so im gona look at these fo rliek five minutes, and just screw aroudn with my adobe to find stuff otu myself. but maybe u guys out there can shorten that up a bit for me.

my first question it.

1/ When u create a character, using the Flash CS3, do i have to draw them frame by frame? if i do, i see no real way to keep the character in the same direct spot, but makign him move etc. is there Bone si can joint aorudn liek when creating 3d characters?

2/ whats the BEST way to make a character? i currenty have NO board with the pencil thing, to do the whole drawing onto ur pc thing, is it evne possible to bust it out with a mouse? or should i stick to sprites and stix till i can get my dirty lil hands on one?

3/ if i am to start Sprites, do they have bones? or is it pixel by pixel redrawing them ? or copy and paste onto the next scene and reshaping wat ever. and if thats right, is that how it would be on any character creation?

4/ ok, ishoudlnt ask this yet, but wats the typical tiem it takes for sumone to make the average Flash movie? like a no more then 2 min Short about wth ever?

5/ if i ever get good with sprites or anything, woudl adobe help me create games wiht it?

ok. those are all my questions. and hopefully the ppl who respond, didnt click my forum to run around screamign noob or wat eve rimmature thing they can come up with. yes i kno, i shoudl read the forum for more info, i have, and im nto gettin anywere, im about to go check out newgrounds.com/flash, im gonan TRY to look at these books, though NONE have anythign to do with CS3, i wish it did, there all about ... idk psychis or sumthing i failed in school. along with grammar, har har, to those who are gonan diss my typos i could carelss to fix. but those nice ppl out there, apreciate u much.